Summary of disease-associated angiogenic lncRNA function.
LncRNA | Disease | Epigenetic mechanism of action | Function in angiogenesis | References |
HOX transcript antisense RNA (HOTAIR) | Diabetic retinopathy | Histone methylation, histone acetylation, DNA methylation | HOTAIR regulates glucose-mediated increases of angiogenesis in diabetic retinopathy | Biswas et al., 2021 |
Small nucleolar RNA host gene 14 (SNHG14) | Hepatocellular carcinoma | SNHG14 upregulates PABPC1 expression via H3K27 acetylation | SNHG14 promotes proliferation and tube formation in endothelial cells | Zhang H. et al., 2020 |
LINC00337 | Colorectal cancer | LINC00337 recruits DNMT1 to CNN1 promoter, which inhibits its transcription and increases VEGF-mediated angiogenesis | LINC00337 increases tumor growth and microvascular density | Xu X. et al., 2020 |
RAB11B Antisense RNA 1 (RAB11B-AS1) | Breast cancer, osteosarcoma | RAB11B-AS1 increases RNA Pol II in hypoxia to upregulates VEGFA and ANGPLT4 | HIF2 induces RAB11B-AS1 which increases angiogenic factors | Niu et al., 2020 |
Metastasis associated lung adenocarcinoma transcript 1 (MALAT1) | Multiple cancers | Formation of molecular scaffolds, splicing and regulating histones and transcription factors | MALAT1 increased proliferation, sprouting and migration in ECs | Li et al., 2017 |
Maternally expressed 3 (MEG3) | Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, cholestatic liver injury | MEG3 interacts with JARID2 which recruits PRC2 | MEG3 regulates NOTCH and VEGF pathways | Ruan et al., 2018 |
Antisense non-coding RNA in the INK4 locus (ANRIL, CDKN2B, CDKN2B-AS1) | Coronary heart disease, ischemic stroke, type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis | Promoter methylation, chromatin modifications, alternative splicing and post-transcriptional modifications | High glucose upregulates ANRIL in retinal ECs and is involved in VEGF regulation | Zhou et al., 2016 |