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. 2021 Aug 1;11(17):11903–11914. doi: 10.1002/ece3.7956


Examples for studies with a similar study design, analyzing the abundance and diversity of cavity‐nesting Hymenopterans, carried out in different Western European countries

Reference Country Landscape Sites Trap nests Reeds Sampling period Most abundant taxa
Albrecht et al. (2007) Switzerland Grassland 13 8 ca. 200 April–October Trypoxylon figulus
Steffan‐Dewenter (2002) Germany Agricultural 15 8 150–180 April–October Osmia bicornis (rufa); Hylaeus communis
Diekötter et al. (2014) Germany Agricultural 12 2 NA March–October Osmia bicornis (rufa)
Fabian et al. (2013) and Fabian et al. (2014) Switzerland Agricultural 12 14 170–180 April–October Osmia bicornis; Trypoxylon figulus; Ancistrocerus nigricornis
Gathmann et al. (1994) Germany Agricultural 40 6 180 April–October Megachile sp.; Osmia sp.; Trypoxylon sp.
Happe et al. (2018) Germany Agricultural 36 2 NA April–September
Holzschuh et al. (2009) Germany Agricultural 12 5 ca. 200 April–September Trypoxylon sp.; Symmorphus sp.
Holzschuh et al. (2010) Germany Agricultural 46 2 150–180 April–July Osmia bicornis (rufa)
Krewenka et al. (2011) Germany Grassland 55 216 (total) ca. 200 April–October Trypoxylon sp.; Passaloecus sp.
Kruess and Tscharntke (2002) Germany Grassland 18 4 150–180 April–October Trypoxylon figulus
Schüepp et al. (2011) Switzerland Agricultural 30 2 ca. 170 April–October Trypoxylon figulus; Osmia bicornis
Sobek et al. (2009) Germany Woodland 12 12 NA May–September Ancistrocerus trifasciatus; Trypoxylon clavicerum

We distinguished three different groups of studies according to the main characteristic of the landscape around the study sites in these studies (=agricultural landscape, grassland, woodland). The number of sites, trap nests per site, reeds (Phragmites australis Cav.), the sampling period, and the most abundant taxa reported in these studies are also given. The reed diameters, if reported, ranged from 2 to 10 mm in almost every case.