Study |
Outcome |
Longest follow‐up |
Intervention |
Comparison |
Effect size |
Tsemberis 2004 (24) |
Alcohol use – self report Drug and Alcohol Follow‐Back Calendar (mean nr. drinks consumed each day during 6 mos period,) (mean) |
24 months |
Repeated‐measures analyses showed no significant differences in either alcohol use between the 2 groups by time condition (F4,136=1.1, P=.35) |
Tsemberis 2004 (24) |
Drug use – self report Drug and Alcohol Follow‐Back Calendar (mean no. days drugs were used during 6 mos period, |
24 months |
Repeated‐measures analyses showed no significant differences in drug use between the 2 groups by time condition F4,136=.98, P=.42) |
Tsemberis 2004 (24) (Greenwood 2005 (90)) |
Psychiatric symptoms Colorado Symptom Index (mean score (SD)) Range: 15‐70, lower score indicates more symptoms |
24 months |
Repeated‐measures analyses showed no significant differences psychiatric symptoms between the 2 groups by time condition (F4,137=.348, P=.85). Program assignment did not predict psychiatric symptoms (t<1) (36 months) (Greenwood 2005). |