Figure 1. Status of target attainment for 37 measurable objectives for the Heart Disease and Stroke section of Healthy People 2020, as of January 2019.
Target met or exceeded: The most recent value was equal to or exceeded the target. Improving: Movement was toward the target and statistically significant. Little or no change: Movement toward the target or away from the baseline was not statistically significant. Getting worse: Movement was away from the baseline and target and statistically significant. Measurable: Objective has a national baseline value. Developmental: Objective does not have baseline data. Baseline only: Objective has one data point only so progress cannot be assessed. Informational: Objective does not have a target so progress cannot be assessed. Percent of targeted change achieved = 100 × (most recent value – baseline value) / (HP2020 target – baseline value); percent in deficit = 100 × ∣most recent value – baseline value∣ / (baseline value). This figure was originally published as part of the Healthy People 2020 Midcourse Review ( and has been adapted for this paper.