Figure 1.
Identification of specific transcription of MUC16. (A). CA-125 mRNA expression in human cancers (TCGA database). (B). Relative activity of MUC16 upstream fragment in HEK293 cells (CA-125-low) and HeLa cells (CA-125-high), compared to the pGL-2 reporter. (C). Relative activity of MUC16 fragments in A549 cells (CA-125-low) and HeLa cells, compared to the Ad5/E1A promoter. (D). Illustration of MUC16 upstream fragments and construction of firefly luciferase reporter. *** p = 0.0002 pGL4.14-MUC16-full: HeLa vs. pGL4.14-MUC16-full: HEK293, #### p < 0.0001 pGL4.14-MUC16-1040: HeLa vs. pGL4.14-MUC16-1040: HEK293, ^^^^ p < 0.0001 pGL4.14-E1A: A549 vs. pGL4.14-MUC16-1040: A549, ns, no statistical significance, n = 3.