Modulation of cell growth, tumorigenesis, and cell cycle by piperlongumine (PL) by inducing reactive oxygen species (ROS) in human thyroid cancer cells. Three human thyroid cancer cells were incubated with PL, and NAC was used to inhibit ROS activation. (A) The expression of ROS was determined with fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) flow cytometry.
(B) Cellular viability and (C) colony formation were examined. (D) Cell cycle regulation was determined by FACS flow cytometry. Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) was used as a negative control. ROS expression in (A) was confirmed with two independent experiments, and a representative experiment was shown. The cell viability, colony formation, and cell cycle were obtained in three independent experiments. * indicated comparing with the untreated group and # showed comparing with PL treated group. * and # indicates p < 0.05. ** indicates p < 0.01. *** and ### indicates p < 0.001.