Table 3.
Recommendations to Address Biobehavioral Research Needs and Improve HCT Outcomes
Recommendation | Sources and Additional Comments |
Ready for action | |
Promote use of secondary analyses for large cohort datasets | Establish centralized tracking system for locating and accessing data: |
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Establish an HCT research community standard for symptom assessment and PRO | Harmonize measures using common data elements. Recommendation: NIH PROMIS |
Harmonize timing of assessments. | |
Extend assessment standards and add validated PRO to larger epidemiologic or clinical trials with longitudinal assessment regardless of targeted endpoints. | |
Include patients and caregiver advocates on research teams. | |
Identify studies with biospecimens and symptom measures | Identify and promote the use of biospecimens that can be assayed in conjunction with patient-reported outcomes or CTCAE measures. |
In need of action | |
Define standard procedures for data collection and storage | Procedures should permit interoperability across collection platforms and databases. |
Establish a central repository for biospecimens | Requires agreement on:
Biospecimens should be clinically annotated. | |
Define a system to store and maintain centralized data | Requires structure for:
CTCAE indicates Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events.