Table 2.
Standardized factor loadings from the six-factor RCAC model
RCAC Subscale/Item | Factor Loadings |
Fertility Potential | |
1. I am afraid I won’t be able to have any (more) children. | .736** |
8. I am worried about my ability to get pregnant (again). | .862** |
17. I am concerned that I may not be able to have (more) children. | .885** |
Partner Disclosure | |
3. I worry about telling my (potential) spouse/partner that I may be unable to have children. | .864** |
7. I am concerned that my (potential) spouse/partner will be disappointed if I can’t get pregnant. | .678** |
16. The thought of telling my (potential) spouse/partner that I may be unable to have children makes me uncomfortable. | .893** |
Child’s Health | |
2. I am worried about passing on a genetic risk for cancer to my children. | .857** |
9. I am worried about how my family history might affect my children’s health. | .793** |
18. I am afraid my children would have a high chance of getting cancer. | .842** |
Personal Health | |
4. I am scared of not being around to take care of my children someday. | .665** |
11. Having (more) children will make me more nervous about getting cancer again. | .453** |
13. I am cautious about having (more) children because I might not be around to raise them. | .899** |
Acceptance | |
5. I can accept it if I’m unable to have (more) children. | .688** |
10. I will be happy with life whether or not I have (more) children someday. | .808** |
15. I will feel content if I do not have (more) children. | .894** |
Becoming Pregnant | |
6. I am overwhelmed by thought of trying to get pregnant (again). | .638** |
12. I worry that getting pregnant (again) would take too much time and effort. | .371** |
14. It is stressful to think about trying to get pregnant (again). | .819** |
p < .01.