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. 2021 Jun 17;19(9):1693–1712. doi: 10.1111/pbi.13636

Table 3.

Studies of genome‐wide selection in Brassica napus

Populations Traits Marker Model Prediction ability Reference
391 winter type DH lines SY, PH, FT, PC, OC, GLU 253 SNP RR‐BLUP 0.41–0.84 (GLU to PH) Wurschum et al. (2014)
BayesB 0.34–0.81 (SY to PH)
TN DH population FT 1248 SNP RR‐BLUP, RKHS, Bayesian LASSO, BayesA, Bayes B, Random Forest, SVM (linear kernel), SVM (Gaussian kernel) 0.638, 0.639, 0.639, 0.645, 0.644, 0.611, 0.593, 0.651 Li et al. (2015)
477 parents and 950 hybrids SY, OY, OC, GLU, FT, SE, LS 24 403 SNP RR‐BLUP 0.45, 0.75, 0.81, 0.61, 0.56, 0.29, 0.39 Jan et al. (2016)
TN DH population OC, PC, EAC, LEN, SAC, GLU 60K DNA array RR‐BLUP, BayesCπ, EG‐BLUP, GBLUP, MAS 0.76, 0.66, 0.89, 0.76, 0.81, 0.79 Zou et al. (2016b)
TN DH population and 318 hybrids SY 60K DNA array GBLUP (A) 0.49 (A), Liu et al. (2017)
GBLUP (A + D) 0.65 (A + D),
GBLUP (A + D + E) 0.72 (A + D + E)
225 parents and 448 hybrids SY, TSW, SE, FT, OC, PC, GLU 60K DNA array GCA RR‐BLUP 0.35–0.82 (SY to GLU) Werner et al. (2018)
RR‐BULP + de novo GWAS
GCA BayesB
GCA + SCA BayesB
67 parents and 363 hybrids SY, FT, SN, TSW, GLU, EAC, OC, OLE, LEI, LEN 43 106  (SNPT) + 5496 (SNPS) GBLUP (SNPT + A + D) 0.73, 0.97, 0.77, 0.65, 0.97, 0.99, 0.70, 0.99, 0.91, 0.83 Hu et al. (2020)
GBLUP (SNPT+S + A + D + E)
A DH population with 148 lines SY, FT, MAT, FD, TSW, OC, PC, GLU, SAT 368 SNP GBLUP 0.14, 0.54, 0.58, 0.53, 0.66, 0.42, 0.55, 0.56, 0.47 Koscielny et al. (2020)
377 parents and 750 hybrids SY, OY, SE, PC, FT, OC, GLU, LA, Biovolume, PH, MPH‐LA, MPH‐PH, MPH‐Biovolume 13 201 SNP + 19 479 transcripts + 154 primary metabolites GBLUP, RKHS 0.32, 0.53, 0.27, 0.53, 0.64, 0.70, 0.61, 0.61, 0.59, 0.46, 0.42, 0.37 Knoch et al. (2021)
218 plants Sclerotinia stem rot resistance 24 634 SNP LMM (A), LMM (A + AA), Bayes A, Bayes B, Bayes C, LASSO, BRR 0.74, 0.76, 0.56, 0.69, 0.68, 0.63, 0.70 Derbyshire et al. (2021)

SY, seed yield; PH, plant height; LA, leaf area; FT, flowering time; FD, flowering duration; MAT, number of days to maturity; PC, protein content; OC, Oil content; GLU, glucosinolate content; OY, oil yield; SE, seedling emergence; LS, lodging resistance; EAC, erucic acid content; SAT, saturated fatty acid content; LEN, linolenic acid content; SAC, stearic acid content; SN, seed number per pod; TSW, thousand seeds weight; OLE, oleic acid content; LEI, linoleic acid content. BLUP, best linear unbiased prediction; RR‑BLUP, ridge regression BLUP; BBR, Bayesian Ridge Regression; GBLUP, genomic best linear unbiased prediction; EG‐BLUP, extended GBLUP; LMM, linear mixed models; RKHS, reproducing kernel Hilbert space regression based on Gaussian kernels; MAS, marker‐assisted selection; MPH, middle parent heterosis; GCA, general combining ability; SCA, specific combining ability; A, additive effects; D, dominance effects; E, epistatic interaction effects; SNPT, SNP markers identified with traditional B. napus reference genome; SNPS, species specific introgression SNP markers.