Figure 2.
Health care encounters in the 30 days before and after an ED visit for suicide ideation or attempt among US adolescents using Medicaid (N = 92,451). Note: Lines represent individual patients’ trajectories, and line weights are proportional to the number of patients following that trajectory. For patients with ED-to-Hospital admissions, the 30-day follow-up window began after hospital discharge. health care encounter types are mutually exclusive in both the 30-day pre- and post-ED visit periods. If patients had multiple encounters, “Inpatient/ED visits” were represented first. If no inpatient/ED visit occurred, then “Mental Health Office Visits” were represented. If neither an inpatient/ED visit or a mental health office visit occurred, then “General Office Visits” were represented. Finally, “No Health Care Encounter” was represented if no encounters occurred. ED indicates emergency department.