Fig. 2. Vibrotactile pitch perception in humans.
A Schematic of the two-alternative forced choice (2AFC) frequency discrimination task in humans. B Psychometric curve fit to the fraction of “higher” responses for vibrations with equal reference (AREF) and test amplitudes (ATEST) at 11.8 μm (black), and for 6 tested amplitude change factors (ACF = APROBE/AREF) of an example subject tested at the 440 Hz reference frequency. C Ak x f equal-pitch curve fits (blue lines) to vibration amplitude as a function of the median (error bars: ±quartiles, colored symbols) frequency shift ratio (normalized to the reference frequency, black square, see Methods for details) of n = 9 subjects, for 160, 200, 280, 440, and 480 Hz reference frequencies. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.