(a) Graphical representation of 8-methylguanosine and 8-arylated guanosine; (b) stabilized anti-parallel structures of G-quadruplexes in K+ solution; (c) CD spectra of G-quadruplex sequence, which contains 8-methyl guanosine: ([d(TGGGT)]2) at 20 °C (dotted), Q1 at 20 °C (solid), Q2 at 20 °C (dashed), and Q3 at 5 °C (dashed dot); (d) CD spectra of ORN-1 (UA(8BrrG)GGU, red solid line, parallel G4 structure), ORN2 (UAG(8BrrG)GU, green solid line, anti-parallel G4 structure), and ORN3 (UAGG(8BrrG)U, black solid line, single-strand structure). Copyright (2017) Springer Nature, and (2005) Oxford University Press.