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. 2021 Aug 30;18(17):9133. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18179133

Table 2.

Overview of the characteristics of the selected studies on WT sound and annoyance.

Author Country Design † Sample Size (Response Rate) ‡ Quality Exposure Type and Assessment Outcome Type and Assessment Confounders Considered in Analyses Reported Associations
Klæboe and Sundfor, 2016 [18] Norway CS (after) 90 (38) Moderate WT sound pressure level (37–47 dBA LAeq) Annoyance
(ISO 5-point standard scale)
Attitudes, demographics, visual judgements, NS Noise from WTs evaluated as 17–18 dBA more annoying than road traffic noise (within range of 11–26 dBA reported by [19,20]). Role of non-acoustical factors large
Pawlaczyk-Łuszczyń ska, 2018 [21] Poland CS 517 (78) Moderate WT calculated sound levels and randomly verified by in situ measurement A-weighted SPL (LAeq,T),
A and G-weighted sound pressure levels (LCeq,T and LGeq,T)
(ISO 5-point standard scale)
Satisfaction, visual aspects, demographics,
%HA and WT sound level (OR > 1.00) and negative attitude towards WTs; decrease %HA with increasing distance (OR < 1.00),
Radun et al., 2019 [22] Finland CS 429 (57)
318 eligible for participation
High WT A-weighted equivalent SPL,
LAeq, and categorized [25–30], [30–35], [35–40] and [40–46]
Annoyance, self-reported sleep disturbance
(indoor, outdoor)
Trust in authorities and operators, visibility, economic benefits, age, gender, education, type of dwelling, distance WT sound level and annoyance outdoor OR 1.41 (1.14, 1.74) < 0.01 (R2 = 0.71)
Indoor: none
Sleep OR = 1.38 (1.16, 1.65) < 0.01(R2 = 0.50)
Song et al., 2016 [23] China CS 227 (77) Moderate WT A-weighted equivalent SPL,
LAeq, sound levels (44.1–56.7 dBA)
Sleep disturbance (self-reported)
Gender, age residence time, visibility, NS, attitude, general opinion about WTs %HA increased from 39.5% (95% CI: 28.4–51.4%) to 75.0% (95% CI: 50.9–91.3%.
Sleep disturbance and LAeq r2 = 0.209
Michaud et al., 2018b [24] Canada CS 1238 (79) High WT calculated sound levels A- and C-weighted
Blinking warning lights, vibrations, visual impact and shadow flicker
Integrated Annoyance score Age, gender, education, lifestyle, chronic illness, stress, quality of life, dwelling characteristics, Explained variance 58–69%
Annoyance significantly increased in areas between 1 km and 550 m (mean 1.59; 95% CI 1.02, 2.15) and was highest within 550 m (mean 4.25; 95% CI 3.34, 5.16).
Michaud et al., 2018c [25] Canada CS 1238 (79) High Integrated Annoyance score Blood pressure Cortisol levels), symptoms
Quality of life Nonspecific
Age, gender, education, lifestyle, chronic illness, stress, quality of life, dwelling characteristics, Total annoyance differed significantly between people reporting one or more symptoms (mean score 2.53 to 3.72) versus those without symptoms (0.96 to 1.41). No association with cortisol concentrations, systolic blood pressure, and rated quality of life was confirmed.
Botelho et al., 2017 [26] Portugal CS 80 Moderate SPL LAeq Annoyance, noise mitigating measures Attitude, NS, visibility, co-ownership Decisions to insulate house related to WT sound levels, not to annoyance.
Hongisto et al., 2017 [27] Finland CS 429 (55) Moderate Laeq modelled 26.7–44.2 dB LAeq Annoyance (4-point scale) Demographics, NS, residential satisfaction,
attitude towards WTs, visibility of WTs, trust towards authorities or operators
Below 40 dB LAeq large WTs (>3 MW) lead to similar indoor noise annoyance levels as smaller ones (<1.5 MW) do
Haac et al., 2019 [30] USA CS 1043 (14–28) Moderate L1 hr max Audibility, annoyance (not ISO standard) Attitude, NS, moving into the area before or after the wind park was operationalized Audibility annoyance: OR: 11.0; 95% CI: 4.8–25.4).
Schäffer et al., 2018 [28] Switzerland EXP 52 Moderate AM, Laeq Annoyance 11-point ISO standard scale Perceived loudness, perceived sound characteristics Effect of sound level, AM and visuals
Schäffer et al., 2019 [29] Switzerland EXP 43 High WT sound (33–49 dBA) synthesized for distances 100–600 m, with and without periodic AM Annoyance 11-point ISO standard scale Gender, age, attitude towards WTs, NS and visual aspects Increase in sound level and AM increased annoyance, presence of visualized landscape decreased annoyance,
visibility of WT increased annoyance. Effect of attitude, not of other factors
Hübner et al., 2019 [31] Germany/USA CS USA 900 (22%) Germany1029 (28%) Moderate Distance
A-weighted LAeq-sound pressure level
Health symptoms, annoyance, stress, coping, sleep time, REM, self-reported disturbance Range of confounders Distance and SPL not correlated to noise annoyance; NS and attitude regarding fairness strongly associated with stress and annoyance
Pohl et al., 2018 [32] Germany LO 212/133 (Before/after
Moderate A-weighted LAeq sound pressure levels,
recordings, distance
(5-point ISO standard scale), stress
Attitude Distance to closest WT (r = –0.13) and ISO SPL: r = 0.27)
according to ISO 9613-2 (1993), r = 0.27).
Krogh et al., 2019 [33] Canada CS 67 Na Distance Tendency to move Loss, grief, anxiety Not mentioned

† Design: CS, cross-sectional study; LO, longitudinal; EXP, experiment; ‡: the number of people (N) and the response rate (in case of a cross-sectional study) (%).