Figure 5.
Metabolism of EQ 1 in cells transfected with human tyrosinase yielding di-adducts of CySH and GSH (a) in the cells; (b) in the medium. The data are mean ± SD from triplicate dishes. Statistically significant differences: p < 0.05 (a–b; b–c; d–f; e–f; h–i), p < 0.01 (a–c; g–i; n–o), p < 0.001 (j–k; k–l; j–l; m–n; m–o; p–q; q–r; p–r). Non-significant differences: g–h (p > 0.1); d–e (p > 0.05). The statistical significance of the differences was determined by Student’s t-test (two-tailed).