Figure 3.
(3a) Kidneys of control rats, glomerulus (G), proximal convoluted tubules (PT), distal convoluted tubules (DT) and loop oh henle (LH); (3b) kidneys of rats treated with water contaminated with dimethoate after remediation with TiO2(s)/H2O2/UV, renal casts (RC) and tubular dilatation (D); (3c) kidneys of rats treated with water contaminated with methomyl after remediation with TiO2(s)/H2O2/UV, periglomerular and intertubular mononuclear cell infiltration (MI) and degeneration of the renal tubules (DEG); (3d) kidneys of rats treated with water containing TiO2(s)/H2O2 without any insecticides, degeneration of the renal tubules (DEG) and intertubular blood vessel congestion (CO).