DKI mice have decreased voluntary activity and decreased rates of fat oxidation during overnight fasting (~14 h). Male DKI mice and age-match WT controls were singly housed in metabolic cages and acclimatized for ~6 h. At the beginning of the dark cycle (1800 h), food was removed from cages and respiratory gases and ambulatory activity were measured every 18 min during the overnight fast (~14 h). (a) Average hourly RER following induction of fasting. (b) Average RER. (c) Activity data represented by the total beam breaks in the x-ambulatory field during the fasting period. (d) TEE, (e) rates of fat oxidation, and (f) rates of CHO oxidation were calculated and averaged across the fasting period. Fasting male mice, n = 12–14, 17–20 wk. (g) Blood glucose was assessed via tail tip bleed in the fed (n = 7–9) and overnight fasted (n = 29–30) states. Overnight fasted mice in panel (g) consists of the three cohorts (overnight fasted, 5 h glucose, and 24 refed) described in Figure 5. Male mice, 20–32 wk. Blood was collected via retro-orbital bleed following overnight (~14 h) fast and serum samples were analyzed for (h) glucagon (n = 9–11), (i) triglyceride (TAG; n = 7–15), and (j) non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA; n = 12–14) concentrations. Male mice, 17–28 wk. *
p < 0.05, *** p < 0.001, **** p < 0.0001.