Figure 1.
Histological characterization of pre-Ozaki and post-Ozaki samples. (A) Representative H/E image of the pre-Ozaki pericardium showing an intact layer of serosa (s) made up of mesothelial cells and a thicker fibrosa (f) layer consisting of collagen bundles and elastic fibers produced by its constituent fibroblasts. (B) H/E staining of the post-Ozaki pericardium shows preservation of the native ECM; nevertheless, the serous layer appears interrupted, whereas the fibrous layer is denser and compact. (C) Representative image of native pericardium after Weigert van Gieson staining shows variously oriented and wave-like collagen fibers (in red) with interspersed small elastic fibers (in black). (D) Weigert van Gieson staining of GA-treated pericardium shows changes in the architectures of collagen and elastin, which appear more stretched.