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. 2021 Aug 30;10(17):3908. doi: 10.3390/jcm10173908

Table 5.

Controlled studies (n > 20 per condition) of complementary interventions in adolescents with ADHD published since 2000.

Author, Year Population Study Design Intervention Treatment Completers Outcome
Functional Outcomes Quality Rating
Gray, 2012 [77] 60 adolescents aged 12–17 years (mean 14.3; 87% male) with ADHD (DSM-version not reported) and learning disabilities,
98% medicated.
8-week SB, RCT unbalanced randomization (3:2 assignment to the
working memory (WM) training),
5-week working memory training program (WM), or 5-week mathematics training program (MT) (unbalanced randomization).
Post-test assessment 3 weeks after the end of treatment.
WM, n = 36, 45-min training sessions of Cogmed at school, 4–5 days a
week for 5 weeks.
MT, n = 24, 45-min training sessions of mathematics training program (Academy of Math;
(Torlakovic, 2011), 4–5 days a
week for 5 weeks.
ITT analyses
WM: 32 (89%),
MT: 20 (83%).
ADHD-symptoms were assessed with the Strengths
and Weakness of ADHD-symptoms and Normal-behavior
scale (SWAN, Swanson et al., 2001) and the
IOWA Conners scale (Pelham et al., 1989).
Academic Progress (WRAT-4PM; Roid and Ledbetter, 2006).
WM and attention measures, i.e., CANTAB.
No group differences on ADHD and other measures.
Only differences on WM
criterion measures.
1 −
Steeger, 2016 [66] n = 104 (randomized from n = 108), adolescents with ADHD (DSM-IV) aged 11–15 years (mean 12.5; 69% male),
84% medicated.
7-week RCT with four conditions: 5-week Cogmed working memory training (CWMT) combined with behavioral parent training (BPT),
5-week CWMT with a control parent intervention (CNT-BPT),
5-week control version of CWMT (CNT-CWMT) combined with BPT, or
5-week CNT-CWMT combined with CNT-CBT.
CWMT + BPT, n = 26, CWMT: 25-day high-dose adaptive computerized WM training (Cogmed).
BPT: 5-week treatment group BPT program based on COPE aimed at positive mother−adolescent interactions, adolescent compliance, and maternal control, reducing conflict and adolescent ODD.
CNT-CWMT + BPT, n = 26, 25-day low-dose non-adaptive computerized WM training (Cogmed) + BPT: see above.
5 CWMT: see above.
CNT-BPT: Control parent intervention of didactic lectures on adolescent development and homework of weekly readings from self-help guide. No facilitation of practice or feedback.
CNT-CWMT + CNT-BPT, n = 26,
CNT-CWT: see above.
CNT = BPT: see above.
No ITT-analyses, but analyses on completers-only excluding participants with IQ < 70 and participants with mothers with <75% BPT attendance,
final sample, n = 91.
n = 108 included, n = 104 randomized, and
n = 8 dropped out.
Drop-out = 8% of 104 pp, higher drop-out in CWMT than in CWMT-CNTR.
ADHD Rating Scale-IV (ADHD-RS, DuPaul, 1998) mother and teacher report.
Executive functioning (BRIEF,
Gioia, 2000).
Parenting behavior (APQ, Frick, 1991).
Mother–adolescent conflict (CBQ, Robin, 2002).
Oppositional behaviors (CBCL, Achenbach, 2001).
No significant differences between conditions on ADHD-symptoms and parenting variables. No significant differences between conditions on parenting variables.
Interaction effect on global functioning showing better outcomes of participant in the control-CWMT + BPT group.
1 −
2016 [76]
90 adolescents with ADHD (DSM-IV-TR) aged 12–24 years (mean 16.0; 100% male),
49–52% medicated, no between group differences in medication use at baseline and follow-up.
1-year un-blinded, RCT unbalanced randomization (2:1)
stratified randomization
for age groups of 12–15, 16–20, and 21–24 years.
25-week neurofeedback training (NF) + treatment as usual (TAU) or 25-week TAU.
NF + TAU, n= 59,
25 weeks of 2–3 weekly 30 min training sessions of a theta/SMR training (Lubar 2003) + At least 5 weeks TAU consisting of regular cognitive–behavioral
therapy, systemic therapy, and/or supportive counselling for the
adolescent and/or his parent(s).
TAU: n = 31,
at least 25 weeks of TAU (see above).
ITT analyses on n = 87 (n = 56 NF + TAU, n = 31 TAU)
End of treatment
45 (76%)
TAU: 26 (85%)
1-year follow-up
41 (73%)
TAU: 19 (61%)
MINI ADHD-subscale (Sheehan et al., 1998).
ADHD Rating Scale-IV (ADHD-RS, DuPaul, 1998).
Youth Self-Report (YSR, Achenbach, 1991).
Neuropsychological measures (computer tasks).
No significant differences between NF + TAU and TAU on all outcome measures. 1 −
2015 [78]
75 adolescents with ADHD (DSM-IV) aged 12–16 years (mean 13.7; 100% male),
19.7% psychostimulant medication.
No differences between conditions.
12 weeks, DB, RCT
stratified randomization by day/boarding school and age group (12–14 years and 15–17 years).
Long chain-polyunsaturated fatty acid (LC-PUFA) with placebo.
LC-PUFA, n = 38, 12 weeks of daily dose of six LC-PUFA capsules of omega-3 fatty acids (EPA 558 mg and DHA 174 mg), omega-6 fatty acid У-linoleic acid 60 mg, and vitamin E 9.6 mg (in the natural form, α-tocopherol).
Placebo, n = 38, 12 weeks of daily dose of placebo (medium chain triglycerides).
“ITT” analyses on n = 69 (LC-PUFA, n = 33, Placebo, n = 36)
Per protocol on n = 50
End of treatment:
LC-PUFA: 23 (61%)
Placebo: 27 (71%)
measured by Conners’ Teacher Rating
Scales (CTRS-L), which assessed each of 59 items of child behavior
on a four-point scale (Conners et al., 1998).
No differences in ADHD ratings between LC-PUFA and placebo at 12-weeks of follow-up. 1 −
Ahmed, 2011 [75] 84 adolescents with ADHD (DSM-IV-TR) aged 11–16 years (mean = 13.8; 64% male),
medicated: % not reported.
10-week RCT, no details on randomization.
10-week aerobic moderate intensity exercise program (MA exercise) or no intervention. Blinding not reported.
MA Exercise, n = 42, 10 weeks, 3 days a week 40–50 min aerobic sessions and home program parental instruction of 30 min outdoor walking in weekends.
No exercise, n = 42,
10 weeks.
No information on completers/drop-out rates.
No between group differences on physical characteristics (weight) and outcome measures.
Attention problems, motor skills, task orientation, emotional and oppositional behavior, and academic and classroom behavior: modified Conner’s Rating Scale (Conners, et al., 1998). Stronger improvement in attention problems in participants who received the MA exercise program compared with the control group. 1 −