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. 2021 Aug 30;29:e3474. doi: 10.1590/1518-8345.4975.3474

Table 2. Descriptive characteristics of sexual practice among men who have sex with men (n: 1,301) during the COVID-19 pandemic, considering chemsex*. Portugal, 2020.

Interest variables Chemsex* p-value
Yes No Total
n % n % N %
Social distancing period
Duration of social isolation/distancing (days) 0,060
Less than 29 44 16,7 114 11 158 12,1
Between 30 and 45 116 44,1 502 48,4 618 47,5
More than 45 88 33,5 374 36 462 35,5
Did not adhere to social isolation 15 5,7 48 4,6 63 4,9
How many partners did you have since social distancing measures were imposed? 0,001
None 0 0 466 44,9 466 35,8
1 partner 20 7,6 397 38,2 417 32,0
More than 2 243 92,4 175 16,9 418 32,2
During the social distancing you:
Had sex with penetration without condoms 145 55,1 121 11,7 266 20,5 0,001
Paid for sexual intercourse 16 6,1 35 3,4 51 3,9 0,043
Group sex (sex with 2 or more people simultaneously) 156 59,3 35 3,4 191 14,7 0,001
Protective measures adopted in casual sex to prevent COVID-19
Avoided kissing during sexual intercourse 147 55,9 195 18,8 342 48,7 0,003
Sanitized the place where you had sex 143 54,4 198 19,1 344 48,8 0,017
Washed hands with water and soap 148 56,3 197 19 345 49,9 0,003
Verified whether the sexual partner had signs and symptoms of COVID-19 158 60,1 457 35,1 615 63,7 0,031
Used PrEP / Truvada 112 42,6 64 6,2 176 25,1 0,001
COVID-19 testing
Yes 83 31,6 167 16,1 250 19,2
No 180 68,4 871 83,9 1051 80,8 0,001
Diagnosed with COVID-19
Yes 41 15,6 58 5,6 99 39,6 0,026
No 42 16 109 10,5 151 60,4

* Chemsex = Sex under the influence of drugs; p = Statistical significance obtained through a Chi-square test; HIV = Human immunodeficiency Virus; §PrEP = Pre-exposure Prophylaxis