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. 2021 Aug 30;29:e3444. doi: 10.1590/1518-8345.4280.3444

Table 1. Sociodemographic and occupational characterization, common mental disorder and sleep changes among Nursing professionals (n=196). Francisco Beltrão, PR, Brazil, 2018.

Variables Sleep Changes p-value
Presence Absence
(N=150) (%) (N=46) (%)
Professional category 0.635
Nurses 32 21.3 12 26.1
Nursing Technicians 118 78.7 34 73.9
Gender 1.000
Female 132 88 41 89.1
Male 18 12 05 20.9
Age group (years old) 0.091
18 to 35 62 41.3 12 26.1
Over 36 88 58.7 34 73.9
Skin color 0.545
White 119 79.3 39 84.8
Brown/black 31 20.7 07 15.2
Schooling 0.702
Technical education 91 60.7 30 65.2
Higher education or above 59 39.3 16 34.8
Marital status 0.083
Single 59 39.3 11 23.9
Married/Stable union 91 60.7 35 76.1
Family income (minimum wages*) 0.878
Less than 3 43 28.7 12 26.1
More than 3 107 71.3 34 73.9
Time in the profession (years) 0.480
Up to 10 86 57.3 23 50
Over 10 64 42.7 23 50
Hospital Unit 1.000
Public 100 66.7 31 67.4
Private/Public 50 33.3 15 32.6
Time working in the institution (years) 0.783
6 or less 50 33.3 17 37
Over 6 100 66.7 29 63
Number of jobs 0.562
Only 1 116 77.3 33 71.7
2 or more 34 22.7 13 28.3
Number of weekly working hours 1.000
Up to 40 87 58 25 54.3
41 or more 63 42 21 45.7
Employment contract 1.000
Statutory 101 67.3 31 67.4
Service provision 49 32.7 15 32.6
Working shift 0.357
Day 95 63.3 25 54.3
Night 55 36.7 21 45.7
Have worked in the night shift 0.430
Yes 117 78.0 39 84.8
Never 33 22.0 07 15.2
Common Mental Disorder <0.001
No 84 56 40 87
Yes 66 44 06 13

Brazilian minimum wage in 2018: R$ 954.00 (nine hundred and fifty-four reais)