(A) Strategy to record from different anterior–posterior levels in LS (left) and implantation sites covered. (B) Strategy to approximate cell location. Background: maximal projection of representative recording; red: outline of approximated GRIN lens position; white: distance from the center of the GRIN lens to the cells of interest. (C) Top: for 0.2 mm bins along dorsal–ventral axis, proportion of stable (within-session stability > 0.5) spatially modulated cells (n = 24 mice), directionally modulated cells (n = 17 mice), velocity cells (n = 24 mice), and acceleration cells (n = 24 mice), respectively. Bottom: same as top for anterior–posterior axis. Each red dot represents the average per animal per bin along the anterior–posterior axis (left) and along the dorsal–ventral axis. Black lines indicate 95% confidence intervals. *, p < 0.05, **, p < 0.01. Test used in C: linear regression. The underlying data can be found in S1 Data. GRIN, gradient refractive index; LS, lateral septum; ns, not significant.