Fig. 1. TRIM24 over-expression promotes hyperplasia, increases ductal branching, and tumorigenesis.
a Top panels show H&E staining and bottom panels carmine alum staining of mammary glands of 2-month-old Trim24COE and control MMTV-CreTg/0. b Quantified comparison of mammary gland branch points per ductal main branch of 2-month old (n = 4 mice each) MMTV-CreTg/0 (blue) and Trim24COE (red) mice. Data represented as mean with SD and p-value (*<0.05) is calculated using two-tailed paired t test. c Tumor-free percent survival curve of MMTV-CreTg/0, Trim24LSL, and, Trim24COE mice. The p-value is calculated based on Log-rank method. d Comparison of TRIM24 IHC and morphology of age-matched MMTV-CreTg/o normal mammary gland and Trim24COE tumor sections. Images are representative of >50 experiments. Scale bar 100 μM. e IHC of Trim24COE tumor sections (left) and mammary glands of MMTV-CreTg/0 mice (right) with antibodies recognizing FLAG, TRIM24, and p53 at two magnifications: ×1 and ×10. Images are representative of 15 experiments. Scale bar = 3 mM (1×) and 300 μM (10×).