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. 1999 Jul;19(7):5025–5035. doi: 10.1128/mcb.19.7.5025


Tumorigenicity of SCL LMO1 thymocytes in nude micea

Cells injected (age [wks]) Route n Tumors Time inter-val (wks)
SCL LMO1 leukemic cells s.c. 1 1 3
SCL LMO1 leukemic cells i.p. 2 2 3
Normal thymocytes (12) s.c. 1 0 >32
Normal thymocytes (12) i.p. 1 0 >32
SCL LMO1 thymocytes (12) s.c. 2 0 >32
SCL LMO1 thymocytes (12) i.p. 2 2 3–7
Normal thymocytes (8) i.p. 3 0 >32
SCL LMO1 thymocytes (8) i.p. 4 1 19
Normal thymocytes (4) i.p. 2 0 >32
SCL LMO1 thymocytes (4) i.p. 4 0 >32

Cells were injected by either the subcutaneous (s.c.) or the intraperitoneal (i.p.) route. Data under the heading n are numbers of mice that were injected; data under the heading Tumors are numbers of mice that developed T-cell tumors. Time intervals of 3 to 19 weeks refer to the time between the injection and tumor development; a period of “>32” weeks refers to mice observed for at least 32 weeks that did not develop disease.