Figure 4.
Cytokine levels in BEAS-2B cells exposed for 48 h to PM2.5 in the presence of free or β-CD encapsulated EO: (A) IL-6 concentrations in BEAS-2B cells, (B) IL-8 concentrations in BEAS-2B cells. The negative and positive control values are represented by the black and red dotted lines, respectively. Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation (n = 3). Significant differences using a two-way ANOVA comparison (α = 0.05), between results obtained in free β-CD condition and in the presence of β-CD, are indicated by different lowercase letters, differences between experimental conditions and the negative control are displayed with an apostrophe (’), while significant difference with the positive control are displayed with an asterisk (*-p < 0.05). CD: Cyclodextrins; BEAS-2B: human bronchial epithelial cells; IL-6: interleukin 6; IL-8: interleukin 8; PM2.5: particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter inferior to 2.5 µm.