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. 2021 Sep 11;75:103311. doi: 10.1016/j.scs.2021.103311

Table 2.

Network layer attacks with preventive techniques.

Netework Layer Attacks Relevant refereneces with proper description of authentication schemes
IP Spoofing Attacks In reference (Vijayakumar et al., 2020), K-means clustering and Support Vector Machine are used in tandem to overcome the data privacy and authentication problems in H-IoT applications. NAT+ paradigm was suggested by Veeraraghavan et al. Veeraraghavan et al. (2020) to address the IP Spoofing problem in H-IoT applications. In Chen et al. (2020); Khan et al. (2021b); Rohatgi and Goyal (2020); Singh and Pandey (2020), IP spoofing attacks and their fundamental causes in H-IoT applications are thoroughly studied as a key security hazard in cloud computing to draw the concentration of consumers and designers toward this domain.
Hello Flood attacks Detection, Prevention Low Power and Lossy Network (DPLPLN) authentication technique was presented in Gajbhiye et al. (2020) to develop a secure IoT communication architecture. To assure network traffic validation, the DPLPLN provides security by recognizing the flooding operation or garbage of packets of Denial of Service (DoS) attacks.
Denial of Service (DoS) & Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks In Hussain et al. (2021); Kamble and Gawade (2020); Khatkar et al. (2020), the writers explore the weak aspect of the H-IoT security to leak integrity, authenticity, availability, and confidentiality of accumulated data in the network. They also present a pinpoints study paradigm, which is helpful for further research to develop new methodologies for discovering and anticipating DDoS and DoS attacks at the network layer. Hussain et al. Hussain et al. (2020), used the ResNet framework to convert the network legitimate traffic into image format and trained the Cable News Network (CNN) to evaluate the proposed model and avoid DoS & DDoS attacks.
Wormhole & Blackhole Attacks Reference Kaliyaperumal et al. (2020), introduced a Hybrid Rabin Public Key Signature Algorithm for H-IoT applications to overcome wormhole and black hole attacks. In Adil et al. (2020); Ambarkar and Shekokar (2020); Kame and Elhamayed (2020), the authors suggested reliable authentication schemes for H-IoT applications to address wormhole, black hole, and sinkhole attacks.