(A) the appearance of the lid margins and meibomian orifices, (B) the Meibography images with automatically segmented boundaries of the everted tarsal conjunctiva area as the region of interest (ROI), and (C) the segmented meibomian glands of representative subjects. The sequence from 1 to 4 is based on the current stage of MGs pathological progression from healthy to severe. Examples of the targeted individual features of tortuosity (yellow arrow), dilation & distortion (red arrow), and ghost glands with a declined signal index (blue arrow), an increased signal index (green arrow), and atrophy or drop out (white arrow) are marked with arrows. The acquired multi-parametric analysis results of the four representative Meibography images are shown in the table below the figure. DI: diameter deformation index; TI: tortuosity index SI: signal index; SD: standard deviation; GA: gland area ratio, which is the ratio of all meibomian gland area to the total analysis area.