Fig. 4.
Biochemical/biophysical analysis of T. maritima encapsulin variants. (A) Left: SDS-PAGE, lane M = molecular weight marker (kDa), lane 1 = TmEnc-STII-DARPin-STII. Right: non-reducing PAGE, lane 1 = TmEnc-STII, lane 2 = TmEnc-STII-DARPin-STII. (B) SDS-PAGE loaded with 3.75 μg protein per well: lane M = molecular weight marker (kDa), lane 1 = TmEnc-STII, lane 2 = miniSOG-STII, lane 3 = TmEnc-STII_miniSOG, lane 4 = TmEnc-DARPin-STII_miniSOG. (C) TEM of TmEnc-STII on the left and TmEnc-DARPin-STII on right, histograph shows average diameter and SD of 21.14 ± 1.87 nm (n = 106) for TmEnc-STII and 20.58 ± 2.50 nm (n = 106) for TmEnc-DARPin-STII. (D) Dynamic light scatter graph showing size distribution by volume, red line = TmEnc-DARPin-STII_miniSOG (39.64 nm), green line = TmEnc-STII (37.97 nm), blue line = TmEnc-STII_miniSOG (30.46 nm). Note, the hydrodynamic diameter of the capsid is expected to be larger than the diameter of dried samples measured by TEM.