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. 2021 Aug 30;12:702052. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2021.702052

Table 1.

Demography, functional, cognitive, and language assessment of patients with CBS and comparison by amyloid-PET results.

CBS (n = 31) CBS-A– (n = 18) CBS-A+ (n = 13) p-value
Age at symptom onset, years 61 (58–67) 60 (55–68) 63 (60–66) ns
Age at main assessment, years 65 (61–71) 63.5 (59–71) 66 (64–71) ns
Symptom duration at main assessment, years 4.0 (3.0–4.5) 3.5 (2.2–4.7) 4.0 (3.0–4.0) ns
Gender (female) 14 (45.2%) 7 (38.9%) 7 (53.8%) ns
Education, years 10 (6–15) 9.5 (6–15) 10 (6–15) ns
Side of more severely involved limbs (right) 13 (41.9) 8 (44.4%) 5 (38.5%) ns
Handedness (right-handed) 26 (83.9%) 16 (88.9%) 10 (76.9%) ns
      Cognitive 18 (58.1%) 8 (44.4%) 10 (76.9%)
      Motor 10 (32.3%) 7 (38.9%) 3 (23.1%)
Language 3 (9.7%) 3 (16.7%) 0 (0.0%) ns
Functional assessment
Clinical Dementia Rating 2.0 (1.5–2.0) 2.0 (0.6–2.0) 2.0 (1.0–2.0) ns
Functional activities questionnaire 22 (14–26) 18.5 (11–25) 25 (16–27) ns
Hoehn and Yahr scale 2 (2–3.5) 3.00 (2–3.75) 2.00 (2–3) ns
ASHA-FACS scale 3.2 (1.8–5.3) 3.2 (2.4–5.0) 3.0 (1.6–5.0) ns
General cognitive assessment
ACE-R total 41 (30–62) 49 (31.5–74.5) 34 (27.5–46.5) ns
ACE-R attention 11 (9–13.75) 12.5 (11–16.25) 9 (8–10.5) 0.008
ACE-R memory 8 (5.25–15.75) 12.5 (7.75–18.25) 5 (2.25–8) 0.008
ACE-R fluency 2.5 (1–6) 3 (2–6.25) 1.5 (1–4.5) ns
ACE-R language 16.5 (14–24.5) 19 (14.25–25) 14.5 (14–20.75) ns
ACE-R visuospatial 7 (4–8.75) 8 (7–11.25) 4 (3.25–5.75) 0.001
MMSE 18 (13–21.50) 20.5 (16.5–25.75) 14 (11–17) 0.005
Digits backward 2 (0–3.75) 3 (2–3) 0 (0–4) ns
Delayed recall (BCSB) 3 (0.5–6) 5.50 (1.75–6) 1 (0–3) ns
Language assessment
Aphasia quotient (WAB-R) 68.8 (51.1–88.2) 70.35 (38.7–83.3) 68.8 (63.7–90.2) ns
Total spontaneous speech (WAB-R) 16.0 (9.5–17.5) 17.0 (10.0–18.0) 14.5 (10.0–16.75) ns
Auditory word recognition (WAB-R) 54.0 (19.0–57.5) 57.0 (48.0–60.0) 50.0 (25.0–55.0) ns
Sequential commands (WAB-R) 63.0 (25.0–80.0) 63.0 (28.0–80.0) 48.0 (15.2–73.2) ns
Total repetition (WAB-R) 8.6 (3.3–9.1) 8.6 (3.8–9.2) 7.6 (3.0–8.9) ns
Naming and word finding (WAB-R) 6.2 (3.25–8.45) 7.1 (3.3–8.5) 5.4 (2.5–7.1) ns
Phonemic fluency (letter P) 3 (1.75–6) 3 (2–6.25) 2.5 (1–5.25) ns
Semantic fluency (animals) 5.5 (3.75–10) 6.5 (3–11.75) 5 (4–7) ns

Clinical data comparison between CBS-A+ and CBS-A–. Data expressed as median (IQR) or number (frequency). Statistical significance was set as p < 0.05 (Mann–Whitney or Fischer's exact test). ns, nonsignificant; AD, Alzheimer's disease; CBS, corticobasal syndrome; MMSE, Mini-mental State Examination; ACE-R, Addenbrooke Cognitive Examination-Revised; BCSB, Brief Cognitive Screening Battery; ASHA-FACS, Functional assessment of Communication Skills for Adults.