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. 2021 Sep 3;32:102811. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2021.102811

Table 3.

Significant findings of investigations of sex/gender-by-diagnosis interactions and sex/gender-stratified analysis of autism-control differences in white matter connectivity (DTI/DWI/DSI).

Study Country of origin for study sample Method (‘sex’ or ‘gender’ is based on the term used in the study) Metrics/Outcome measure Sample size (M:F) Age range Covariates in analysis Notable results (‘sex’ or ‘gender’ is based on the term used in the study)
Bode et al., 2011 Finland DTI (whole-brain)
gender stratified
FA, MD 27 autism (20:7)
26 TD (17:9)
Autism11.4–17.6 yr
11.7–17.3 yr
None reported Greater FA in the area containing clusters of optic radiation and the right IFOF (significant in males only when grouped by gender)
Beacher et al., 2012b United Kingdom DTI; sMRI (ROIs: CC-genu, body, splenium; CING, CST, SLF, CR, MCP)
FA, MD, whole-brain volume 28 autism (15:13)
30 TD (15:15)
no range; autism (M)
32 ± 10 yr
autism (F)
32 ± 7 yr
TD (M)
28 ± 8 yr
TD (F)
32 ± 8 yr
NART score (a proxy for overall intellectual function) significant sex*dx interaction in total white matter volume, regional gray matter volume in the right parietal operculum, and FA in the body of CC, CING, and CR

Irimia et al., 2017 (GENDAAR)

United States

DWI; sMRI (whole-brain)

GM thickness, volume, cortical area, mean curvature, CD

110 autism (55:55)
83 TD (43:40)

7–18 yr
8–18 yr

none reported

significant sex*dx interaction in white matter CD innervating, bilaterally, the lateral aspect of the temporal lobe, temporo-parieto-occipital junction and the medial parietal lobe

Zeestraten et al., 2017 (MRC-AIMS)

United Kingdom

DTI (ROIs: frontal fiber bundles – anterior segment of AF, long segment of AF, cingulum, uncinate, IFOF and two non-frontal fiber tracts – posterior segment of AF, ILF)
sex*dx + sex stratified


98 autism (61:37)
115 TD (61:54)

autism (M)
18–41 yr
autism (F)
18–37 yr
TD (M)
18–45 yr
TD (F)
18–52 yr

scanning centre, age, FSIQ

significant sex*dx interaction in frontal tracts only; non-frontal tracts revealed no interaction
lower tract mean FA in autism group compared in TD in all frontal tracts except long segment of right AF and all investigated non-frontal tracts (significant in males only)

Lei et al., 2019 (GENDAAR)

United States

DTI (whole-brain)
sex stratified


81 autism (56:25)
39 TD (23:16)

4–21 yr
5–18 yr

none reported

significant widespread bilateral reductions in FA in association tracts (CING, IFOF, ILF, SLF, and UF), projection (ATR, CST), commissural fibers (FMAJ, FMIN) in autistic subjects (significant in females only)

Andrews et al., 2019

United States

DWI (whole-brain)


127 autism (85:42)
54 TD (28:26)

2.2–4.1 yr
2.1–4.1 yr

age, relative movement

sex*dx interaction in measures of AD across six significant clusters incorporating areas of the body, genu, and splenium of CC; females (ASD > TD), males (ASD < TD)

Kirkovski et al., 2020


DWI (whole-brain)
sex stratified


25 autism (12:13)
24 TD (12:12)

21–55 yr
19–56 yr

framewise displacement

FDC at the CC (posterior midbody/isthmus) was significantly reduced for females with ASD compared TD females
no differences found between males with ASD and TD males

Bletsch et al., 2021 (MRC-AIMS)

United Kingdom

DTI (whole-brain)
sex stratified

FA, MD, GWC at GWM boundary, different sampling depths within superficial WM and into GM

92 autism (53:39)
92 TD (51:41)

all participants
18–52 yr

age, FSIQ

significant sex*dx interactions for FA and MD (most pronounced within the superficial WM)
no sex*dx interaction effects for GWC
sex-stratified results in males mainly showed reduction in FA (ASD < TD) and increased MD (ASD > TD) that was most pronounced effects at the GWM boundary, −1 mm and −2 mm below GWM boundary
sex stratified results in females mainly showed increased FA (ASD > TD) and a reduction in MD (ASD < TD) that was most pronounced effects at GWM boundary and at 30% and 60% cortical thickness
GWC was reduced (ASD < TD) in both ASD males and females compared to same-sex counterparts at 30% cortical thickness

Abbreviations: ABIDE, Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange; AD, axial diffusivity; AF, arcuate fasciculus; ATR, anterior thalamic radiation; CC, corpus callosum; CD, connectivity density; CING, cingulum; CR, corona radiata; CST, corticospinal tract; FA, fractional anisotropy; FC, fiber cross-section; FD, fiber density; FDC, fiber density and cross-section; FMAJ, forceps major; FMIN, forceps minor; FSIQ, full scale intelligence quotient; GENDAAR, Gender Exploration of Neurogenetics and Development to Advance Autism Research; GM, gray matter; GWC, gray-white matter tissue contrast; GWM, gray-white matter; IFOF, interior frontal occipital fasciculus; ILF, inferior longitudinal fasciculus; MCP, middle cerebellar peduncle; MD, mean diffusivity; MRC-AIMS, Medical Research Council Autism Imaging Multicentre Study; NART, National Adult Reading Test; RD, radial diffusivity; ROI, region-of-interest; SLF, superior longitudinal fasciculus; UF, uncinate fasciculus