Table 1.
INCSa | RRAb | Log Pc | Therapeutic Dosed, µg/day | Dose Volume, µL/day | Bioavailabilitye, % | CL, L/h | Plasma AUCf for 20% Cortisol Suppression, pg/mL*h | Dose for 20% Cortisol Suppression, µg/day | TIg |
FF | 298912 | 4.1712 | 11062,63 | 20063 | 0.5062 | 6512 | 848 | 11,095 | 101 |
FP | 177512 | 3.8912 | 20064 | 400 [mg]64 | 0.5134 | 6912 | 1332 | 18,020 | 90 |
MF | 210012 | 4.7312 | 20065 | 400 [mg]65 | 0.4632,38 | 5412 | 1126 | 13,215 | 66 |
CICh | 120012 | 3.0012 | 20066 | 28066 | 7.473,i | 22812 | 2158 | 6650 | 33 |
TAA | 23312 | 1.8512 | 22067 | 120 | 4638 | 3712 | 8935 | 713 | 3.2 |
FLU | 19012 | 1.3612 | 464/40068 | 800 [mg]68 | 5068 | 5812 | 10,953 | 1271 | 2.7 |
BUD | 93512 | 2.3212 | 25669 | 20070 | 3138 | 8412 | 2206 | 562 | 2.2 |
BDPh | 134512 | 3.2712 | 33671 | 800 [mg]71 | 4435,38 | 12012 | 2179 | 594 | 1.8 |
DEX | 10072 | 1.68 | 400 | 75 | 17 | 6750 | 154 | 0.4 |
Notes: aAll in ANS formulation except CIC, which uses a MDI; bRelative to DEX where DEX affinity = 100; cValues (lipophilicity) are defined as the log10 of the octanol/water partition coefficient; dTherapeutic doses for AR for adults and children (≥12) unless further specified (for BDP >12; FLU ≥14); eF, absolute bioavailability via nasal route (nose and gut absorption) determined in healthy subjects; fPlasma AUC (F dose/CL) is the estimated daily dose that would result in 20% cortisol suppression;12 gDose for 20% cortisol suppression/therapeutic dose; hValues are for the active metabolites BMP and des-CIC; iValue calculated based on Weiswasser et al J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2008,73 using the clearance and relative to value for oral inhalation.
Abbreviations: ANS, aqueous nasal spray; AR, allergic rhinitis; AUC, area under the curve; BDP, beclomethasone dipropionate; BMP, beclomethasone 17-monopropionate; BUD, budesonide; CIC, ciclesonide; CL, plasma clearance; Des-CIC, desisobutyryl ciclesonide; DEX, dexamethasone; FF, fluticasone furoate; FLU, flunisolide; FP, fluticasone propionate; INCS, intranasal corticosteroid; MDI, metered-dose inhaler; MF, mometasone furoate; RRA, relative receptor affinity; TAA, triamcinolone acetonide; TI, therapeutic index.