K2P channel family relationships and structure. (a) K2P family dendrogram. Subfamilies and key characteristics are indicated. Asterisks indicate structurally characterized K2Ps. (b) K2P subunit diagram. Pore domains 1 and 2 (PD1 and PD2), transmembrane helices (M1–M4), pore helices (P1 and P2), selectivity filters (SF1 and SF2), and Cap domain are indicated. (c and d) Cartoon diagram of the K2P2.1 (TREK-1) structure (PDB:6CQ6).37 Chains are colored marine and orange. Potassium ions are purple. Grey lines indicate membrane. c, side view, (d) cytoplasmic view. Channel elements are labeled as in ‘b’. ‘EIP’ denotes the extracellular ion pathway.