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. 2021 Aug 12;74(10):1776–1785. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciab701

Table 3.

Potential Household-Level Risk Factors for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Transmission

Households All Households, n (%) Infected, n (%) Uninfected, n (%) P Value
60 (100) 32 (53) 28 (47) -
Household size, mean 3.8 4.2 3.4 .03
Living space (missing n = 3), sq ft
 <2000 29 (51) 18 (60) 11 (41) NS
 >2000 28 (49) 12 (40) 16 (59)
Number of roomsa
 2 or fewer 5 (8) 2 (6) 3 (10) .06
 3–5 27 (45) 19 (59) 8 (29)
 6 or more 28 (47) 11 (34) 17 (61)
More than 3 people and fewer than 6 rooms 15 (25) 13 (41) 2 (7) .003
Home ownership (missing n = 1)
 Renting apartment 4 (7) 2 (7) 2 (7) NS
 Renting home 17 (29) 11 (36) 6 (21)
 Own home 38 (64) 18 (58) 20 (71)

P values only reported if ≤ .10, otherwise noted as NS.

Abbreviation: NS, not significant.

aNumber of rooms includes bedrooms, kitchen, and common rooms but not bathrooms or garage.