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. 2021 Aug 31;8:660202. doi: 10.3389/fmolb.2021.660202


Advantage and disadvantages of polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies.

Antibody’s type
Polyclonal Monoclonal Recombinant
Advantage Low cost to produce Homogeneity is conserved between batches to ensure reproducible results Improved reproducibility and control
Quick turnaround time from antigen preparation to antibody harvesting High specificity for single epitope Antibodies can be produced rapidly
Ability to detect multiple epitopes on an antigen Less background No host animals are need
High affinity and sensitivity to detect low quantity proteins Specificity of monoclonal antibodies make them efficient Easier isotype conversion
Preferred for detection of denatured proteins Cross-reactivity with other molecules is reduced
Disadvantage Higher tolerance for differences in antigen Significantly more expensive to produce High cost to develop and produce
Variability in each batch Require more specialized training to create and have a much longer turnaround time High degree of technical skills of the professionals is required
Non-specific antibody Cover only one epitope
Multiple epitopes cause high chance of cross-reactivity resulting in higher background More sensitive to buffer conditions