Figure 6.
Effect of amoxicillin on the preventive capacity of the whey products. Ear swelling after intradermal injection of intact whey product on Day 63 in water (H2O, open symbols) and amoxicillin (AMX, closed symbols) in rats administered with extensively (eHW), partially hydrolysed (pHW-22.4% and pHW-7.2%) or intact (iW) whey products or water as control (A). β-lactoglobulin (BLG) concentration in small intestine epithelium (EPI) and lamina propria (LP) after oral challenge with iW protein (B), iW-specific IgE titres (C), and iW-specific IgG1 titres (D). Subfigures (B–D) only show results for the eHW group. Each symbol represents a single rat and horizontal lines indicate mean (A) or median (B–D) values. Statistically significant differences are indicated as ***p ≤ 0.001.