A. Effects of face age on overall attractiveness ratings (y-axis) as a function of perceiver age. The dots represent means. The error bars represent 95% confidence intervals. There was a significant interaction between face (x-axis: younger, middle-aged, and older) and perceiver ages (younger perceivers, green line; middle-aged perceivers, blue line; older perceivers, pink line). Older perceivers were less affected by face age than younger and middle-aged perceivers. B. Effects of face age on overall attractiveness ratings (y-axis) for female and male faces as a function of perceiver sex. There was a significant interaction between face age, perceiver sex, and face sex (female faces, pink line; male faces, blue line). Men rated older female faces as less attractive than women raters. C. Effects of face age on ratings (y-axis) as a function of the dimensions of attractiveness. There was a significant interaction between face age (x-axis) and the dimensions of attractiveness (beauty, blue line; elegance, pink line; gorgeousness, green line). Older faces were rated higher on elegance than on beauty and gorgeousness.