Figure 1.
Change in the medication price and affordability by therapeutic classes. *Included in China’s National Essential Medicine List. Data source: the current procurement prices were obtained from the Sunshine Medical Procurement All-In-One; previous lowest prices were obtained from the JPO. The average disposable annual salary was obtained from the China Statistical Yearbook 2019 (¥30 733 per capita). In 2019, China had 250 working days, and the overall disposable daily income per capita was ¥122.93. Classified according to the USP Therapeutic Categories Model Guidelines. According to the WHO, medication affordability was compared between the cost for a treatment course and the extra daily wages (EDWs) for the lowest paid unskilled government worker. Since EDW is not available in China, based on previous research, the average disposable daily income per capita was used. HCTZ, hydrochlorothiazide; JPO, Joint Procurement Office; NVBP, national volume-based procurement; TDF, tenofovir disoproxil fumarate.