Fig. 5.
Bacteria-free filtrate of feces from H. diminuta-infected mice reduces the severity of DNBS-induced colitis. Feces was collected from H. diminuta-infected mice and passed through a 0.2 μm filter (FF) and administered to specific-pathogen-free male BALB/c mice as shown in panel A. Seventy-two hours after di-nitrobenzene sulphonic acid (DNBS: 3 mg, ir.), disease severity was assessed by B body weight, C colon length, D disease activity, and E histopathology scores. Representative H&E stained sections of mid-colon are shown in panel F. Panel G shows q-PCR for il-10 and il-10rα in colonic segments from FF-treated mice (data are mean ± SEM combined data from 2 experiments; * and #, p < 0.05 compared to control and control fecal filtrate from naive non-infected mice, respectively; H. dim FF, fecal filtrate from H. diminuta-infected (5 cysticercoids) mice; pi, post-infection)