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. 2021 Sep 14;16:66. doi: 10.1186/s13011-021-00398-3

Table 2.

Prevalence of self-reported and urinalysis-screened drug use at among participants (N = 1129)

Self-reported drug use during the past 12 month Self-reported drug use during the past 72 h Positive urinalysis Self-reported during the past 72 h versus urine testa
drug use gender group N n (%) 95%CI p n (%) 95%CI P n (%) 95%CI p p
opioid use Male RYCS (Research Setting) 494 61 (12.35%) (9.72–15.57) 0.544 12 (2.43%) (1.38–4.24) 0.003 32 (6.48) (4.61–9.03) 0.003 < 0.001

PHC Centers setting

(with urine specimen)

229 32 (13.97%) (10.03–19.14) 16 (6.99%) (4.31–11.14) 30 (13.10) (9.29–18.16) < 0.001

PHC Centers setting


270 39(14.44) (10.71–19.20) 0.412 19 (7.04) (4.52–10.80) 0.002
Female RYCS (Research Setting) 113 6 (5.31%) (2.38–11.44) 0.039 1 (0.88) (0.12–6.18) 0.767 1 (0.88) (0.12–6.18) 0.362 1.00

PHC Centers setting

(with urine specimen)

171 2 (1.17%) (0.29–4.62) 1 (0.58) (0.081–4.11) 4 (2.34) (0.87–6.12) 0.250

PHC Centers setting


252 3 (1.19) (0.38–3.04) 0.019 2 (0.79) (0.20–3.15) 0.929
total RYCS (Research Setting) 607 67(11.04) (8.77–13.80) 0.190 13(2.14) (1.25–3. 66) 0.054 33(5.44) (3.89–7.56) 0.056 < 0.001

PHC Centers setting

(with urine specimen)

400 34(8.50) (6.13–11.68) 17 (4.25) (2.65–6.74) 34 (8.50) (6.13–11.68) < 0.001

PHC Centers setting


522 42 (8.05) (5.99–10.72) 0.090 21 (4.02) (2.63–6.10) 0.065
cannabis Male RYCS (Research Setting) 494 8 (1.62%) (0.81–3.21) 0.595 1 (0.20%) (0.028–1.4) 0.192 10 (2.02) (1.09–3.73) 0.001 0.004

PHC Centers setting

(with urine specimen)

229 5 (2.18%) (0.71–5.02) 2 (0.87%) (0.22–3.5) 16 (6.99) (4.05–11.10) < 0.001

PHC Centers setting


270 5 (1.85%) (0.60–4.3) 0.812 2 (0.74) (0.09–2.65) 0.255
methadone Male RYCS (Research Setting) 494 16 (3.24%) (1.99–5.23) 0.302 4 (0.81%) (0.30–2.14) 0.053 19 (3.85) (2.46–5.96) 0.000 < 0.001

PHC Centers setting

(with urine specimen)

229 11 (4.80%) (2.68–8.50) 6 (2.62%) (1.17–5.74) 25 (10.92) (7.46–15.70) < 0.001

PHC Centers setting


270 12(4.44) (2.53–7.69) 0.397 6(2.22) (1–4.88) 0.101
female RYCS (Research Setting) 113 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.88) 0.362 1.00

PHC Centers setting

(with urine specimen)

171 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 4 (2.34) 0.125

PHC Centers setting


252 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
total RYCS (Research Setting) 607 16 (2.64) (1.51–4.25) 0.913 4 (0.66) (0.18–1.68) 0.188 20(3.29) (2.02–5.04) 0.004 < 0.001

PHC Centers setting

(with urine specimen)

400 11 (2.75) (1.38–4.87) 6 (1.50) (0.55–3.24) 29 (7.25) (4.91–10.25) < 0.001

PHC Centers setting


522 12 (2.30) (1.19–3.98) 0.717 6 (1.15) (0.42–2.48) 0.381
amphetamine and Methamphetamine Male RYCS (Research Setting) 494 0 0 0 0 1 (0.20) (0.03–1.33) 0.557 1.00

PHC Centers setting

(with urine specimen)

229 0 0 0 0 2 (0.87) (0.11–3.12) 0.50

PHC Centers setting


270 1 0.37 0.176 1 0.37 0.176

a The results of standard tests (urine test) were compared with the results of Self-reporting of substance use during the past 72 h by McNamara’s test