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. 2021 Sep 14;18(9):e1003712. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1003712

Table 6. Pooled incremental net monetary benefit (2020 USD) and percent reduction in active TB incidence comparing TPT to no TPT.

Value τ I 2
Estimate 95% CI p-value Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI
Pooled incremental net monetary benefit (n = 10) $271 −$81 to $622 0.12 $441 $164 to $909 67% 35% to 83%
Pooled percent reduction in active TB Incidence (n = 23) 20% 13% to 27% <0.001 15% 11% to 21% 96% 95% to 97%
    Among strategies that have a time horizon <5 years (n = 3) 10% −22% to 43% 0.42 11% 5% to 34% 96% 91% to 98%
    Among strategies that have a time horizon ≥5 years (n = 20) 21% 13% to 28% <0.001 15% 11% to 24% 96% 95% to 97%
    Among strategies that include an INH regimen 6 to 12 months long (n = 13)* 17% 8% to 26% 0.001 14% 9% to 23% 95% 93% to 97%
    Among strategies that include an INH regimen longer than 12 months (n = 6)* 24% 3% to 45% 0.04 20% 8% to 55% 86% 73% to 93%
Pooled incremental net monetary benefit (n = 2) $2,568 −$32,115 to $37,251 0.52 $2,122 NA 0% NA
Pooled percent reduction in active TB incidence (n = 3) 37% −34% to 100% 0.13 25% 12% to 82% 95% 88% to 98%

τ = square root of between study variance; I2 = measure of heterogeneity.

* There are only 19 strategies that were eligible for stratification by TPT regimen category. The other 4 strategies did not report duration of INH.

CI, confidence interval; HIC, high-income country; INH, isoniazid; LMIC, low- and middle-income country; TB, tuberculosis; TPT, tuberculosis preventive treatment; USD, United States dollar.