Figure 2. Neuron pair AVA is active during backward locomotion and exhibits expected tuning during moving population recordings.
(a) AVAR and AVAL are labeled by BFP under a rig-3 promoter in strain AML310. Two optical planes are shown from a single volume recorded during movement. Planes are near the top and bottom of the optical stack, corresponding to the animals’ extreme right and left. The recording is the same as in Figure 1. Top row shows BFP. Bottom row shows RFP in the nuclei of all neurons. Segmented neurons centered in the optical plane are labeled with ⊕, while neurons from nearby optical planes are labeled with ○. Arrow indicates AVAR or AVAL. Numbering corresponds to Figure 1a. (b) Calcium activity of AVAR and AVAL during locomotion in recording AML310_A, same as in Figure 1. (c) Aggregate tuning of AVA across four individuals (seven neurons). Boxplot shows median and interquartile range. Lightly shaded blue or orange circles show activity at each time point during behavior.