Fig. 2. Meta-analyses of epigenome-wide association studies of alcohol consumption (blue line: Benjamini–Hochberg false discovery rate (FDR) cutoff; red line: Bonferroni correction cutoff).
a Manhattan plot of chromosomal locations of −log10 (p) for the association between the natural logarithm of phosphatidylethanol (ln(PEth)) and 408,583 CpGs in the meta-analysis. b Manhattan plot of chromosomal locations of −log10 (p) for the association between Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test-Consumption (AUDIT-C, first three items of AUDIT) and 408,583 CpGs in the meta-analysis. c Scatterplots of the adjusted β values (adjust confounding factors and use residuals of β values) of the 12 Bonferroni significant CpGs (CpGs above the red line in a) against the ln(PEth) value. All 12 CpGs were significantly correlated with ln(PEth) with .