Summary scRNA-seq gene expression data from the Allen Institute cell types database. Values are reported as trimmed means (25%–75%) of LOG2(CPM). Cell types were assigned based on the ‘subclass’ labels provided by the Allen Institute. ‘Glu’ includes all glutamatergic cells. Genes are ordered based on relative expression in VIP-INs (as shown in Figure 2). Significant differences between VIP-INs and all Glu (*) or all other INs combined (†) were determined by bootstrapping the difference in means 50,000 times using 10% of each sample population and a Bonferroni corrected significance cut-off. NB, some individual IN subclasses have higher expression of a given gene even if VIP-INs had higher expression than the combined IN pool. The top genes from each panel are shown up to and including all significantly different genes.