PM25_T1 |
PM2.5 24 hour
– Average of gestation weeks 1-13 (trimester 1)
– ugm3 |
PM25_T2 |
PM2.5 24 hour
– Average of gestation weeks 14-26 (trimester 2)
– ugm3 |
PM25_T3 |
PM2.5 24 hour
– Average of gestation weeks 27-delivery (trimester
3) – ugm3 |
Temp_T1 |
Temperature – Average of
gestation weeks 1-13 (trimester 1) – Temperature |
Temp_T2 |
Temperature – Average of
gestation weeks 14-26 (trimester 2) –
Temperature |
Temp_T3 |
Temperature – Average of
gestation weeks 27-delivery (trimester 3) –
Temperature |
PM25_chronic |
PM2.5 Mean of 1 year
prior to June 1 of the year of the EOG test |
PM25_acute |
PM2.5 Mean of 30
days prior to May 1 of the year of the EOG test |
information |
BWTpct |
Birthweight Percentile (based
on clinical estimate of gestation) |
WeeksGest |
Weeks Gestation, Clinical
estimate |
mEdu |
Mother’s Education Group
at time of birth (NoHS = No high school diploma, HS = High
school diploma, College = College diploma) |
mRace |
Mother’s Race/Ethnicity
Group (White = White, NH Black = Non-Hispanic Black,
Hispanic = Hispanic) |
mAge |
Mother’s Age at time of
birth |
Male |
Male Infant? (1 = Yes) |
NotMarried |
Not Married at time of birth?
(1 = Yes) |
Smoker |
Mother Smoked? (1 = Yes) |
Pre-Term Birth (<37 wks,
Clinical)? (1 = Yes) |