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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2022 Sep 30.
Published in final edited form as: Stat Med. 2021 Jun 15;40(22):4850–4871. doi: 10.1002/sim.9099
Air quality during gestation, life of the child, and at time of testing
PM25_T1 PM2.5 24 hour – Average of gestation weeks 1-13 (trimester 1) – ugm3
PM25_T2 PM2.5 24 hour – Average of gestation weeks 14-26 (trimester 2) – ugm3
PM25_T3 PM2.5 24 hour – Average of gestation weeks 27-delivery (trimester 3) – ugm3
Temp_T1 Temperature – Average of gestation weeks 1-13 (trimester 1) – Temperature
Temp_T2 Temperature – Average of gestation weeks 14-26 (trimester 2) – Temperature
Temp_T3 Temperature – Average of gestation weeks 27-delivery (trimester 3) – Temperature
PM25_chronic PM2.5 Mean of 1 year prior to June 1 of the year of the EOG test
PM25_acute PM2.5 Mean of 30 days prior to May 1 of the year of the EOG test
Birth information
BWTpct Birthweight Percentile (based on clinical estimate of gestation)
WeeksGest Weeks Gestation, Clinical estimate
mEdu Mother’s Education Group at time of birth (NoHS = No high school diploma, HS = High school diploma, College = College diploma)
mRace Mother’s Race/Ethnicity Group (White = White, NH Black = Non-Hispanic Black, Hispanic = Hispanic)
mAge Mother’s Age at time of birth
Male Male Infant? (1 = Yes)
NotMarried Not Married at time of birth? (1 = Yes)
Smoker Mother Smoked? (1 = Yes)
PTB Pre-Term Birth (<37 wks, Clinical)? (1 = Yes)
Education / EOG test information
EOG_Reading Reading scale score for chronologically first EOG test taken (4th grade); centered and scaled by year (2010, 2011, 2012)
EOG_Math Math scale score for chronologically first EOG test taken (4th grade); centered and scaled by year (2010, 2011, 2012)
Blood lead level information
Blood_lead Blood Lead Level (micrograms per deciliter); maximum value if there are multiple tests
Social / Economic factors
NDI_birth Neighborhood Deprivation Index, at Birth
NDI_test Neighborhood Deprivation Index, at time of EOG test
RI_birth Residential Isolation for non-Hispanic Black, at Birth
RI_test Residential Isolation for non-Hispanic Black, at time of EOG Test
EconDisadv Participation in the free/reduced price lunch program (1 = Yes)