a Δ17O versus ɛ54Cr isotope systematics of NWA 12217, 12319, and 12562 (graphic circles) shown along with non-carbonaceous chondrites and achondrites. Colored-filled circles represent literature data while the diamonds and squares are data measured at UC Davis. The fields for ordinary chondrites (OC), Mars (SNCs), Earth and earth-likes, Vesta (HEDs), brachinites, ureilites, winonaites (win), acapulcoites (acp)/lodranites/ungrouped achondrites (ung) are marked with select representative samples with available data. Symbol colors indicate meteorite type or grouping. Note that the carbonaceous chondrites and affiliated achondrites plot outside the field of this plot with highly positive ε54Cr (shown in panel c). b Δ17O-ε54Cr diagram showing NWA 12217, 12319, and 12562 (graphic circles) in comparison with the brachinites, Brachina, GRA 06128, GRA 06129, and NWA 3151 (pink diamonds), angrites, along with the normal HEDs (open symbols) and anomalous eucrites (gray filled squares) (BR = Bunburra Rockhole). The y-axis error bars for NWA 12217 and 12562 represent the range of Δ17O measured, and for NWA 12319 it is the analytical error of a single measurement. c Overview Δ17O-ε54Cr plot showing the three new ultramafic achondrites with relation to major fields of planetary materials in non-carbonaceous (NC) and carbonaceous chondrites (CC) and mixing lines between normal HEDs with ordinary, enstatite, and carbonaceous chondrites. d Δ17O-ε54Cr plot of NWA 12217, 12319, and 12562 (graphic circles) along with the normal HEDs (open symbols) and anomalous eucrites (gray filled squares). Open squares represent literature normal eucrite data (BR = Bunburra Rockhole; A = Asuka). Literature data are from refs. 39,62,63,65–70 and references therein. Various dashed lines represent mixing curves between the average eucrite end member and specific chondritic end-members as indicated in panel c or d.