Fig. 3. Associations between genetic variants and PCOS risk, using the main PCOS dataset and 2 Mb region sizes for FSH protein levels in blood.
In each plot, each dot is a genetic variant. The SNP with the most significant P value for PCOS is marked, with the other SNPs colour-coded according to linkage disequilibrium (r2) in Europeans with the lead variant. SNPs with missing linkage disequilibrium information are also coded dark blue. In the left panel, −log10 P values for associations with PCOS risk are on the x-axes, and -log10 P values for associations with the protein levels on the y-axes. On the right panels, genomic positions are on the x-axes, and the y-axes show −log10 P values for PCOS on the upper panel and −log10 P values with the protein levels on the lower panel for the corresponding region. FSH follicle stimulating hormone; PCOS polycystic ovary syndrome; SNP single nucleotide polymorphism.