Figure 5.
Immunoblot cross-reactivity of SL venoms. (a) SDS-PAGE images of SL venoms. (b–f) Western blot images of SL venoms against two batches (B1 and B2) of SL PAV, and Indian PAVs (BSVL, PSVPL, and VINS). (g) Densitometry analyses of immunoblots as shown in (b–f) Values are mean ± SD of duplicate determinations. *Significant difference between SL PAV B1 and B2 with respect to BSVL; †Significant difference between SL PAV B1 and B2 with respect to PSVPL; ‡Significant difference between SL PAV B1 and B2 with respect to VINS (p < 0.05). Same molecular marker (M) was used for all the blots. The Ponceau stained blot images are shown in supplementary Fig. S8. The full length unedited blot images are shown in supplementary Fig. S9.