Table 1.
Participants characteristics at baseline and pooled-cross sectional, n (%).
Characteristic | Baseline (n = 2,607) | Pooled-cross sectional (n = 6,519) |
Psychological distress (Kessler-10), mean (SD) | 14.926 (5.612) | 14.170 (5.145) |
Life satisfaction (SWLS), mean (SD) | 25.703 (6.576) | 25.352 (6.484) |
Number of years in drought identified by HDSI, mean (SD) | 3.017 (1.741) | 3.227 (2.057) |
Number of years in drought identified by SPEI, mean (SD) | 2.760 (1.664) | 2.772 (2.071) |
Gender (female) | 1,547 (59%) | 3,945 (61%) |
Marital status | 2,595 | 6,486 |
Married/De facto | 1,952 (75%) | 4,928 (76%) |
Separated/Divorced/Widowed | 433 (17 %) | 1,124 (17%) |
Never married | 210 (8%) | 434 (7 %) |
Age group | 2,607 | 6,519 |
18–34 years | 247 (9%) | 426 (7%) |
35–44 years | 372 (14%) | 754 (12%) |
45–54 years | 568 (22%) | 1,391 (21%) |
55–64 years | 697 (27%) | 1,840 (28%) |
65+ years | 723 (28%) | 2,108 (33%) |
Financial position | 2,274 | 6,154 |
Prosperous/very comfortable | 354 (16%) | 959 (16%) |
Reasonably comfortable | 1,205 (53%) | 3,353 (55%) |
Just getting along/poor/very poor | 715 (31%) | 1,842 (24%) |
Physical health | 2,602 | 6,480 |
Poor | 98 (4%) | 240 (4%) |
Fair | 454 (17%) | 1,243 (19%) |
Good | 925 (36%) | 2,504 (38%) |
Very good | 849 (33%) | 1,990 (31%) |
Excellent | 276 (10%) | 503 (98%) |
Employment status | 2,588 | 6,482 |
Employed | 1,460 (56%) | 3,504 (54%) |
Unemployed | 52 (2%) | 109 (2%) |
Studying/home duties/caring | 141 (5%) | 300 (5%) |
Permanently unable to work | 148 (6%) | 288 (4%) |
Retired | 787 (31%) | 2,281 (35%) |
Social network | 2,027 | 5,771 |
Low and medium | 914 (45%) | 2,485 (43%) |
Above medium | 1,113 (55%) | 3,286 (57%) |
Personality | 2.006 (1.905) | 1.913 (1.387) |
Number of stressful life events (0–12), mean (SD) | 1.523 (1.566) | 1.308 (1.443) |
Sense of community | 9.053 (2.353) | 9.095 (2.363) |
Sense of place (10–50), mean (SD) | 35.741 (6.393) | 35.808 (6.387) |
Social interaction (0–6), mean (SD) | 5.262 (1.394) | 5.280 (1.394) |
SWLS, Satisfaction with Life Scale; SD, Standard Deviation; HDSI, Hutchinson Drought Severity Index; SPEI, Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index. Bold values indicates the total number of participants with available data for each measure.