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. 2021 May 12;9:1501. Originally published 2020 Dec 23. [Version 3] doi: 10.12688/f1000research.27874.3

Table 1. Demographic characteristics and some exposure factors of the study participants.

Characteristic Control Case P-value
Child gender (n = 855) n = 413 n = 442 0.916
    Boy 222 (53.8) 236 (53.4)
    Girl 191 (46.2) 206 (46.6)
Age of child at assessment, months (n = 855) n = 413 n = 442 0.982
    9 89 (21.5) 99 (22.4)
    18 112 (27.1) 121 (27.4)
    30 122 (29.5) 130 (29.4)
    42 90 (21.8) 92 (20.8)
Mother characteristic
Mother age when pregnant, years (n = 820) n = 402 n = 418 0.320
    <18 47 (11.7) 39 (9.3)
    18–25 178 (44.3) 171 (40.9)
    26–30 82 (20.4) 101 (24.2)
    31–35 62 (15.4) 61 (14.6)
    ≥36 33 (8.2) 46 (11.0)
    Mean ± SD 25.36 ± 6.51 26.17 ± 6.72 0.080
    Range 13–42 13–46
Education of mother (n = 847) n = 407 n = 440 0.883
    no school 10 (2.5) 14 (3.2)
    primary school 59 (14.5) 66 (15.0)
    secondary school 292 (71.7) 315 (71.6)
    college degree 46 (11.3) 45 (10.2)
Occupation of mother (n = 845) n = 407 n = 438 0.014 *
    farmer 39 (9.6) 47 (10.7)
    own business 79 (19.4) 60 (13.7)
    civil servant 23 (5.7) 12 (2.7)
    Employee (formal) 59 (14.5) 77 (17.6)
    Employee (general work) 160 (39.3) 168 (38.4)
    housewife/ retired / unemployed 47 (11.5) 74 (16.9)
Income of mother, baht (n = 813) n = 394 n = 419 0.490
    <5,000 84 (21.3) 93 (22.2)
    5,000–9,999 155 (39.3) 163 (38.9)
    10,000–14,999 74 (18.8) 64 (15.3)
    15,000 or more 81 (20.6) 99 (23.6)
    Mean ± SD 9854 ± 7352 10405 ± 8504 0.323
Cigarette smoking of mother (n = 856) n = 414 n = 442 1.000
    Never smoke 413 (99.8) 441 (99.8)
    Current smoker 1 (0.2) 1(0.2)
Alcohol consumption of mother (n = 855) n = 413 n = 442 0.039 *
    Never drink 400 (96.9) 435 (98.4)
    Used to drink 6 (1.5) 0 (0)
    Currently drink 7 (1.7) 7 (1.6)
Mother having chronic disease (n = 844) n = 409 n = 435 0.197
    No 383 (93.6) 397 (91.3)
    Yes 26 (6.4) 38 (8.7)
Child pregnancy/birth outcome
Child gestation period, week (n = 825) n = 398 n = 427 0.599
    37 or more 351 (88.2) 371 (86.9)
    <37 47 (11.8) 56 (13.1)
Birth order (n = 847) n = 410 n = 437 0.023 *
    1 237 (57.8) 212 (48.5)
    2 125 (30.5) 158 (36.2)
    3 or more 48 (11.7) 67 (15.3)
Delivery methods (n = 842) 0.288
    vaginal delivery 274 (67.5) 303 (69.5)
    Caesarean section 126 (31.0) 131 (30.0)
    Assisted delivery 6 (1.5) 2 (0.5)
Birth weight, gram (n = 850) n = 410 n = 440 0.001 *
    2,500 or more 379 (92.4) 376 (85.5)
    <2,500 31 (7.6) 64 (14.5)
Ever breast-feeding (n = 662) n = 336 n = 326 0.040 *
    Yes 293 (87.2) 301 (92.3)
    No 43 (12.8) 25 (7.7)
Pesticide environmental exposure
Years of residence in the area (n = 850) n = 412 n = 438 0.124
    <5 77 (18.7) 97 (22.1)
    5–10 78 (18.9) 95 (21.7)
    11–20 84 (20.4) 63 (14.4)
    21–30 96 (23.3) 110 (25.1)
    31 or more 77 (18.7) 73 (16.7)
Having family member working as a farmer
(n = 830)
n = 399 n = 431 0.312
    Yes 137 (34.3) 163 (37.8)
    No 262 (65.7) 268 (62.2)
Distance from farm to home, km (n = 848) n = 410 n = 438 0.280
    <0.1 91 (22.2) 101 (23.1)
    0.1–0.5 111 (27.1) 97 (22.1)
    0.5–1.0 73 (17.8) 78 (17.8)
    2.0–5.0 76 (18.5) 104 (23.7)
    >5.0 59 (14.4) 58 (13.2)
Frequency of farm enter (n = 855) n = 413 n = 442 0.277
    never 182 (44.1) 210 (47.5)
    <1 time per month 159 (38.5) 147 (33.3)
    >1 time per month 72 (17.4) 85 (19.2)
Store pesticides in a house (n = 690) n = 341 n = 349 1.00
    Yes 50 (14.7) 51 (14.6)
    No 291 (85.3) 298 (85.4)

Value expressed as number (percent) or mean ± standard error unless noted otherwise.

* Statistically significant difference with p value <0.05.