Meningeal neural progenitors generate parenchymal neurons and
oligodendrocytes in physiological condition. (A) Schematic
representation showing that immature neural progenitor
cells and neuroblasts in meninges generate
meningeal-derived neurons or rare oligodendrocytes in the
brain parenchyma. In (B) meningeal-derived neurons
(YFP+/CFP+, green and
tdTomato, red) in the brain cortex of a postnatal day 30
(P30) PDGFRβ-Cre mouse (upper panel) expressing the
neuronal markers NeuN and Satb2 (lower panel, arrowhead)
are shown. Meningeal cells were labelled by injecting
PDGFRβ-Cre P0 mice with a lentiviral vector expressing the
Brainbow 1.0(L) reporter in the meninges allowing to trace
the Cre expressing PDGFRβ meningeal cells
(YFP+/CFP+ cells, green).
tdTomato cells (red) are meningeal derived cells that do
not express PDGFRβ. The upper panel shows that the
meningeal cells migrated into cortical layers II to IV
were mostly PDGFRβ-Cre-derived
YFP+/CFP+ cells (green). In
the lower panel, YFP/CFP meningeal-derived cells (green),
NeuN (red), and Satb2 (blue), showing that the
PDGFRβ-Cre-derived YFP+/CFP+ cells
were NeuN+/Satb2+ neurons (arrows).
Modified from Bifari and others