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. 2021 Aug 24;36(5):442–460. doi: 10.1177/07487304211032336

Table 6.

Contribution of the 24 h or 32 h periodicity, their statistical significance and timings of peak phases of nuclear PER in clock neurons.

PR p-Value Peak (SE) PR p-Value Peak (SE)
ZT, h ZT, h
T24 T32
 sLNv 68.81 <.001 3.29 (0.34) 67.67 <.001 31.23 (0.41)
 lLNv 60.18 <.001 3.07 (0.41) 74.00 <.001 28.99 (0.35)
 5th LNv 67.77 <.001 3.34 (0.35) 50.66 <.001 27.83 (0.58)
 LNd 80.71 <.001 3.35 (0.25) 77.94 <.001 28.22 (0.31)
 DN1 84.70 <.001 2.37 (0.21) 85.68 <.001 28.35 (0.23)
 DN3 70.91 <.001 3.40 (0.33) 52.84 <.001 26.27 (0.56)
 sLNv 78.06 <.001 2.97 (0.27) 66.61 <.001 28.87 (0.42)
 lLNv 73.79 <.001 2.15 (0.30) 70.37 <.001 29.13 (0.38)
 5th LNv 72.08 <.001 2.13 (0.31) 56.26 <.001 24.44 (0.52)
 LNd 84.28 <.001 2.13 (0.22) 67.03 <.001 25.16 (0.41)
 DN1 82.34 <.001 1.90 (0.23) 79.73 <.001 28.10 (0.29)
 DN3 64.53 <.001 2.78 (0.38) 21.81 <.001 26.49 (1.12)

Abbreviations: PER = PERIOD protein; PR = percentage rhythm; ZT = zeitgeber Time; sLNvs = small lateral ventral neurons; lLNvs = large lateral ventral neurons; LNds = lateral dorsal neurons; DN1 = dorsal neurons 1; DN3 = dorsal neurons 3. The single-component COSINOR based method was used to analyse time series of PER staining intensities in individual sub-groups of clock neurons to detect rhythmicity and estimate rhythm parameters. The statistic—PR estimates the strength of periodic component being tested in the analysis. The COSINOR being a regression-based method; PR is analogues to an R2 value (coefficient of determination) which represents percentage of overall variation explained by the fitted model. The p-values are from F-tests for the statistical significance of the period being tested.